"Harmony of the Rising Moon"
"Harmony of the Rising Moon"
In this enchanting ukiyo-e print titled "Harmony of the Rising Moon," the artist captures a serene Japanese landscape where a pristine white moon ascends gracefully between towering white mountains. The composition is a celebration of balance and tranquility, as the moonlight casts a soft glow over the scene. The waters below, rendered in a calming shade of blue, teem with gracefully depicted fish swimming in synchronized patterns. Along the shore, vibrant orange bonsai trees add a burst of color to the tableau, their miniature forms echoing the majesty of the surrounding mountains. This print masterfully combines elements of nature and artistry in the traditional ukiyo-e style, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the timeless beauty of a harmonious Japanese night.
- 100% cotton fabric, .0135” 400gsm. 1.25”depth
- Deviations/tolerance +/-1/8” (3.2mm)
- (It’s common for some elements within an image to vary slightly)
- Ready to hang